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Get the series from CBRT


  formulas = NULL,
  token = NULL,
  nd = TRUE,
  as = c("tibble", "tsibble", "data.frame", "data.table")



Series Code

series argument can be obtained from CBRT webpage. Search CBRT webpage in order to find out the series code and use it in the series argument. The serial codes are displayed. If more than one series is selected, it takes up parameters as the number of series, the serial codes are separated by a "-" sign.


Start date

start_date argument is the series start date as dd-mm-yyyy format. In order to display the frequency of the desired series, the first day of the corresponding frequency must be stated in the start date as dd-mm-yyyy format.


End date

end_date argument is the series end date as dd-mm-yyyy format.


Formulas applied to series

formulas argument is the formula applied to series.

Available formulas are; 0: Level 1: Percentage change 2: Difference 3: Year-to-year Percent Change 4: Year-to-year Differences 5: Percentage Change Compared to End-of-Previous Year 6: Difference Compared to End-of-Previous Year 7: Moving Average 8: Moving Sum

If more than one series is selected, it takes up parameters as the number of series, the serial codes are separated by a "-" sign. If this parameter is not entered by the user, the level formula parameter is applied for the relevant series.


API key

token argument is the required API key. See for instructions to obtain the API key.


Convert ND values to NA

nd argument is a TRUE or FALSE argument. Data retrieved sometimes includes ND terms. If nd is set to TRUE, all NDs are converted to NAs.


Type of data to return

Argument as can be set to either tibble, tsibble, data.frame, or data.table to obtain different types of data classes. tibble is the default output class.


A data frame (tibble, tsibble, data.frame, or data.table)


# Download the given series for the given dates
if (FALSE) cbrt_get(series = "TP.DK.USD.A",
                  start_date = "01-01-2017",
                  end_date = "01-01-2018",
                  token = APIkey) # \dontrun{}